Profile picture for Vitamin bz [Vbz]

Founded: September 16, 2002

Activity: 0.00 matches per day

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Match Statistics

A breakdown of the number of wins, losses, and draws of Vitamin bz [Vbz]
Result Count Percent
Wins 1124 58%
Losses 599 31%
Draws 206 11%

Team Activity

A summary of the number of victories to total matches per month since the team's inception.
Month Number of matches per month Number of victories per month
Jun '04 2 0
Apr '06 8 3
Feb '08 0 0
Dec '09 58 33
Oct '11 16 5
Aug '13 16 2
Jun '15 0 0
Apr '17 0 0
Feb '19 0 0
Dec '20 0 0
Oct '22 0 0
Jul '24 0 0

Recent Matches