Hix Triples Event

February 25, 2018

Consti posted his Hix triples event:

The BZFlag FunMatch Challenge returns on March 31st, 2018 for a triples event on HiX. Registration is now open at http://challenge.leaguesunited.org

The rating method has changed from what it was in the past. Rather than using 1vs1 League ratings, the site will now
pull in your personal ELO rating from the LeaguesUnited site instead (winter season). As before, your team rating will
be the average of the individual ratings of all your members. The more official matches are played before the event, the more accurate the team ratings will be for the event, so I encourage everyone to play as many of them as possible between now and then.

A higher rating will earn your team an easier path on the ladder, but tied matches will go to the lower-ranked team
during the tournament. Please keep this in mind, because this has occurred in the past and not everyone was aware of this rule

See you there!

Clarification on the Fall changes

January 29, 2018

Oct 1 brought the support for new match types and Elo ratings tied directly to players. With this, there is the introduction of new official match types:

  • Team vs Team (TvT) ie: [FF] vs MILK
  • Team vs Mixed (TvM) ie MILK vs possum jenkins(poison) & Indy(Mavericks)
  • Mixed vs Mixed (MvM) button(milk) & sage(poison) vs moto unit(mavericks) & M1chael(BerZerk)

Some guidelines:

  • Official matches (whether mixed or not) are never between teammates of same team. Simply put, you cannot play against your own teammates in an official.
  • In a mixed official, once the match begins, players cannot change colors unless EVERYONE agrees to balance
    teams. Teams should be decided beforehand to avoid issues.
  • To avoid misunderstandings & conflicts from those too 'hot to trot' for mixed officials, communication must be CLEAR that it's a mixed official. Players be sure to check the chat and countdown timer message. It will state whether it's fm or official. Stands to reason if it's a mixed official and you don't want that, go obs!

Color Blindness Assistance

January 26, 2018

Accessibility on our website is very important to us and we are working very hard on improving the experience for all players. In this release we have improved some ARIA specifications to make things more accessible for individuals who rely on assistive technologies. However, the biggest change for this site update is that we've added an option to help users with different forms of color blindness.

To access this option, go to your profile and click the "Color Blind Assistance" checkbox.

The "color blindness assistance" option available in the profile settings

Throughout this website, a lot of information is conveyed with color. For example, red buttons typically mean destructive actions or things that cannot be undone. By enabling this option, an additional layer of decoration will be added to buttons.

Website buttons being shown with and without background patterns

If you don't have a form of colorblindness, this may look strange to you but this is what buttons would approximately look like to different forms of colorblindness. Our goal is to make our buttons easily recognizable and the type of actions they will be performing.

Website buttons being shown with a protanopia colorblindness filter Website buttons being shown with an achromatopsia filter

The patterns and colors of buttons across the website have been standardized to the following:

  • Destructive actions: red buttons with a diamond pattern
  • Modification actions: grey or yellow buttons with diagonal stripes
  • Creation actions: green with vertical stripes
  • Submission actions: blue with diagonal stripes

This is an opt-in feature for players and is still in the testing phase so feedback is welcome!

Fall 2017 Season Results

January 24, 2018

It took us a few months but season stats have finally arrived! Thank you all for being patient as we got this feature implemented and thank you for keeping us in check by always asking about the status of the leaderboard. It's really helpful to know what features you, as players, actually care about so we can prioritize them.

The new Season page is available in the top navigation bar and will always display the current season leaderboard. As promised, we have implemented this feature so it can retroactively display results such as the Fall 2017 Season Leaderboard.

We had a grand total of 944 matches, fun and official. Bertman and Easy Tank participated in over 200 of those matches alone; now that's awesome! Congratulations to click click boom who finished the season with an outstanding Elo of 1422! And congratulations to Kenshin, Monster, and Miro who all ended the season with an Elo over 1300!

Elo Discrepancies

You may or may not have noticed that the Elos listed in the leaderboard are probably different from what you remember. If you don't notice a difference, then pay no mind. However, if you did notice a difference, here's why.

With the introduction of seasons and player Elo ratings for each season, the player Elo changes need to be categorized based on season since every season the Elo resets at 1200. The incremental Elo calculations worked just fine. However, whenever an Elo recalculation was executed, this would cause an incorrect base Elo value to be used in a number of situations.

Explain like I'm five? There was a chance that instead of starting your season with a 1200 Elo, you started with a value higher or lower giving you an advantage or disadvantage from the start of the season.

So what does all of this mean for players? If you started with a disadvantage, you'll likely see a boost in your Elo balancing out the disadvantage. If you started with an advantage, you'll likely get a drop in your Elo balancing out the advantage. Don't worry, these are the real Elo ratings you should have always had. Because, maths!

Moving Forward

The Elo recalculation bug has been fixed (I think hope) so this issue shouldn't happen again. Congratulations to our top players on the leaderboard and thank you all for participating last season! Didn't make the leaderboard last season? Well the Winter 2018 season is just getting started!


Matchathon Winners

January 22, 2018

1st place: MILK with 13.
2nd: Poison with 10.
3rd: FF with 4.

Thank you to all who participated and special thank you to our hosters!!!