Season Matches

What type of matches have occurred this season and how many of each?


Official Matches


Fun Matches

Favorite Season Maps

Which map is your favorite and is it on the list? If not, go gather players and play some matches on those maps!

A list containing the amount of matches that have occurred on each map. Not all matches may have maps reported. Only maps which have had at least one match played this season are listed.
Map Name Match Count
DucatiMini 39
HiX 31
PassTheFlag 3
Unknown Mini 2

Season Leaderboard

How do you rank amongst the leaders of this season? Got what it takes to climb up to the top? Put your money where your Elo is.

The leaders of this season sorted by highest Elo; for any ties in Elo, they are sorted in alphabetical order by callsign. Only the top ten players will be listed regardless of ties for the last spots.
Position Player Elo
1. GEP 1212
1. Samson1 1212
2. 15349 1200
2. ducatiwannabe 1200
2. False Flag 1200
2. Frank The Tank 1200
2. Moroni 1200
2. Soraya 1200
3. Cole ll 1188
3. mudfreak 1188

Most Active FMers

Who doesn't love a good old fun match? Well, these players certainly love them.

The players who have participated in the most fun matches for this season sorted in descending order based on match count. Only the top ten players will be listed regardless of ties for the last spots.
Position Player Match Count
1. Moroni 47
2. easy tank 32
3. GEP 30
4. w339 26
5. etigah 23
6. Orange Peanut 22
7. False Flag 17
7. ducatiwannabe 17
8. 15349 16
8. kierra 16

Most Active Offi Matchers

If you're in it for the Elo, these are the players to compete against.

The players who have participated in the most official matches for this season sorted in descending order based on match count. Only the top ten players will be listed regardless of ties for the last spots.
Position Player Match Count
1. False Flag 1
1. Moroni 1
1. Samson1 1
1. 15349 1
1. Soraya 1
1. Cole ll 1
1. GEP 1
1. ducatiwannabe 1
1. mudfreak 1
1. Frank The Tank 1