Profile picture for Taco Time

Founded: March 01, 2023

Activity: 0.00 matches per day

Retired Old Geezer.

Match Statistics

A breakdown of the number of wins, losses, and draws of Taco Time
Result Count Percent
Wins 0 0%
Losses 0 0%
Draws 0 0%

Team Activity

A summary of the number of victories to total matches per month since the team's inception.
Month Number of matches per month Number of victories per month
Apr '23 0 0
Jun '23 0 0
Aug '23 0 0
Oct '23 0 0
Dec '23 0 0
Feb '24 0 0
Apr '24 0 0
Jun '24 0 0
Aug '24 0 0
Oct '24 0 0

Led By


This team has no other members

Recent Matches

This team has not played any recent matches