Profile picture for Boccherini

Founded: November 24, 2021

Activity: 0.00 matches per day

This team prefers to keep a certain air of mystery.

Match Statistics

A breakdown of the number of wins, losses, and draws of Boccherini
Result Count Percent
Wins 75 39%
Losses 77 40%
Draws 41 21%

Team Activity

A summary of the number of victories to total matches per month since the team's inception.
Month Number of matches per month Number of victories per month
Jan '22 48 22
Apr '22 2 0
Jul '22 19 3
Oct '22 0 0
Jan '23 0 0
Apr '23 9 2
Jul '23 0 0
Oct '23 0 0
Jan '24 0 0
Apr '24 0 0
Jul '24 0 0

Recent Matches