Profile picture for The Friendly Guys

Founded: March 04, 2009

Activity: 0.00 matches per day

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TFG as run by ME (figurines).

Latest news: REACTIVATED lets play some matches!

Ask for an invite-most are welcome

Match Statistics

A breakdown of the number of wins, losses, and draws of The Friendly Guys
Result Count Percent
Wins 1630 53%
Losses 1196 39%
Draws 255 8%

Team Activity

A summary of the number of victories to total matches per month since the team's inception.
Month Number of matches per month Number of victories per month
Jun '10 53 35
Oct '11 40 28
Feb '13 80 44
Jun '14 0 0
Oct '15 0 0
Feb '17 0 0
Jun '18 0 0
Oct '19 0 0
Feb '21 0 0
Jun '22 0 0
Oct '23 0 0
Oct '24 0 0

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