Hey guys,
as always dexter was so kind to provide us with a website for the upcoming Riker Cup:
Hey guys,
as always dexter was so kind to provide us with a website for the upcoming Riker Cup:
Suggestions, complaints or other issues? Please message the DucCouncil user account.
Coming soon! The first annual "Ducati Chesval Cup", a duc-style match series between Europe and North America. Special thanks to Zelgadis, Sagopa, and Bartleby for arranging it. For information and updates:
The Chesval Cup player page
Official ducati match server @ port 59999 now has the capacity for 10 vs 10 matches. Enjoy the chaos!!!!
The Ducati League is considering adding alternative match maps. One under consideration is Zaphod's Random DuPi map. A test match server has been set up at Feel free to use this map for fun or even official matches if all players agree.