
February 16, 2013

Congratulations to Sacapuntas, the winners of the last season!

They lead from the really first day till the last, keeping other teams on safe distance. Noah's Ark (2nd) and Vitamin bz [Vbz] (3rd) tried hard, but cannot reach them. Cerberus (4th) could be a black horse, but unfortunately they passed after breaking their 10 wins in a row series.

Great job you all!


January 20, 2013

Congratulations to Europe for winning the 2012/2013 Winter ChesVal Cup!

Europe won the tournament in the first two matches.


1st match - Europe 8 - America 1
2nd match - Europe 10 - America 0

Replay server:

Thanks all for participating!


January 17, 2013

ChesVal Cup is coming!

This Saturday, at 9pm GMT two teams: North America and Europe, each with best players from those continets, will meet in a great matches! There will fight 10 vs 10 in the best-of-three tournament. That will be exciting fight and wonderful show, so don't miss that!

First match will start at 9pm GMT on server,
Second match will start at 9:40pm GMT on

If there will be no winner after those 2 matches - place of third match will be decided by a captains of the team which win the first match.


January 07, 2013

Chestal is hosting ducati servers:
Port: 5154 classic ducati, ffa
:5155 the little hop with handicap
:5156 Ducati style ctf
:5157 Ducati style ctf rogue

Match servers: port 59998, 59999
Replay server: port 60000

With much thanks to Chestal.
Please check out the servers and leave feedback as necessary.


January 02, 2013

As you may notice, DUB servers were shut down since 2nd of January.
We're working on preparing another european servers for Ducati, but for a few days, please use as a match server for euro players.