March 20, 2020

Hix event
When: Sunday, March 22
Time: 3pm DST, 19 UTC, 20 CET (Paris, Berlin)
Where: Allejo.leaguesunited.org: 5197
If you're on the spawn list, be there! If not, contact me, Bert or Indy!
Let's get a big fm going! Stay cloistered with friends online!

Tank Battles 4

September 29, 2019

Tank Battles 4 was a lot of fun today! Thanks for all who participated. We had 3 matches, starting with Ducati, a large HiX match, and finished with Diamonix.

Congratulations to Gaboot's team for the win in Ducati, the HiX match was a tie, and Easy Tank's team took the win in Diamonix!

A great time was had by all with some great battles on all the maps. Hope to see you all in the next Tank Battles Event!

Tank Battles 4 TEAMS

September 28, 2019

Easy Tank: button, brad, catay, 15349 , Runruns, knox, osta, figurines, jachin, anarchist_faker_slim

Gaboot: Bertman, bunthy, D3ad Turtle, ducatiwannabee, etigah, jondoe, morning glory, tain , tox, pokrzwekA, squirrelly girl

The event is at 3pm EDT, 19 UTC on bertman's 5154 server
Come a lil bit early to warm up with your team.
See you there.

LTS: Sunday, June 2

May 31, 2019

Hi guys and gals

Who: The BZFlag Community
What: LTS (Last Tank Standing)
Join as rogue before the countdown is done. If you miss the countdown, you have to wait till next round.
It's an elimination map...last tank alive wins!!!!
When: Sunday, June 2, 3pm EDT, 19 UTC, 21 CEST
Where: bzflag.allejo.io port 5194
Why: Because it's fun, for bragging rights on being the last tank, to be part of a community event, and lastly because you'll gain favorite tank status if you come :wink: (jk, we don't have favs)