All-Star Servers

July 29, 2016

We are not announcing the server. Check the server list to find the populated LU server. Assuming the majority of players come from NA, the server will most likely be a North American server but if there are more Euro players, then the server will be a Euro based server.

All-Star Event Teams

July 28, 2016

We were finally able to get the draft completed, and the teams are as follows:

kajo: alezakos, alpha-5H, Bullet Catcher, click click boom, Constitution, Contamination, EbErT, etigah, gorgomol, miro, Moto Unit, shivaboom, Shuist, Snake12534
damns3xy: ashvala, Black Mage, Coolby, Fear, Hogfish, klavier, krisfeidt, Krissitoff, luigifridini, Midas, Runruns, styx, titmouse, tox

Good luck, and see you there.

Server Failure

July 22, 2016

There was a hardware failure with the server that ran the Leagues United site. The site has been moved to a new server now, but I had to roll the system back to the 18th (from early morning UTC time) as that was the last successful backup. If there were any matches that were not reported automatically, those would need to be manually reported. Also, any messages/notifications sent/received after the database snapshot from the 18th have been lost.

Mixed All-Stars Event

July 09, 2016

Leagues United is hosting a new all-stars event, but this time with a twist: instead of playing 3 straight games on the same map, they will be played on different maps. As things stand, the first two maps will be hix and ducati, and the final map will be chosen by the two captains.

Speaking of captains, the brave souls who have agreed to do it this time are kajo and damns3xy. Much thanks to them for the commitment.

The matches will take place July 30th, time 20 GMT. The selection will take place exactly a week before, July 23rd, time 20 GMT. Enter your callsign here to participate:

Much thanks to Constitution and alezakos for setting this all up!

Edit: The times have been added. If you are wondering what it is in your local time, I believe some people find Google to be very helpful...

P.S. As things look, we're not going to get much of a turnout, so you might as well sign up: it'll be your best chance to get to play.

Welcome, Dupi!

May 08, 2016

We've heard you! It's time for Dupi to join the ranks of other Leagues United maps! For now, it will be available on a trial basis only on allejo's servers to test its reception. To ensure Dupi sticks around, be sure to go match there and get it pushed to our other servers!



Happy tanking!