Hey Everyone!
We are going to be trying something new!
You all know the 2 main Tournaments: Chestval Cup & Riker Cup. Both being the best players of ducati, and of hix.
This is something new. Meno (after our beloved retired menotume) Cup is an All Player Tournament.
No restrictions apply to this tournament. Whether you play at Apocalypse, Leagues United, Pie Server, or anywhere else... You are welcome to join us!
This will be a family friendly event. So normal language restrictions apply, etc.
Date: December 3th
Time: 6pm CST
Match Time: 30 minutes
Play Style: Ducati
Team Size: 15
Swap of Players: Half way point. Will pause accordingly though.
Server: allejo server, port to be announced.
I highly encourage all to sign up! This is a brand new tournament, and a great way to not only play but to learn.
If this goes well, we will look at doing them annually. Changing the map style every time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please list them below. I apologize for anything I may have missed.
Reminder: Registration, and Server will be posted as soon as possible.