
April 01, 2013

As an April fool, some easter bunny changed all teamnames and left the message as below. Hope you liked it :-)

1 haz h4xxed ur site!!!111111!!!!!!!

(-_- )
(”) (”)

New teamnames:
Cerberus - Princess fluffy puppy
Noah's Ark - Titanic
SacaPuntas - Pocahontas
Vitamin bz [Vbz] - Vital kiss
White Squall - Honeymoon zephyr
The BARbarians - The BARbie hug
The WaKoSSS - Super Sassy Stacy [SSS]
Team Fig - Porcelain Figurines
Badger clan - Bunny club
6-shooters - Rainbow rifle
roadrunners - Big Birds
Action - Inertia
Chance - Once in a lifetime
Miracle - That's what she said
Unknown - Soul mystery
The Cows - The Unicorns