allejo's avatar


Leader of The Meme Team

Member since Sep 06, 2008

Last match 7 years ago

I'm one of the founders of Leagues United and one of the developers who brought you this site.

I'm not very active playing in the league so sending me invitations to your team would go unanswered, sorry! Happy tanking!

Match Activity

A breakdown of the number of matches per month for allejo in the past year
Month Number of matches per month
Oct '23 0
Nov '23 0
Dec '23 0
Jan '24 0
Feb '24 0
Mar '24 0
Apr '24 0
May '24 0
Jun '24 0
Jul '24 0
Aug '24 0
Sep '24 0

Elo Rating

A summary of allejo's Elo for the current season
Season Period Elo Rating
Oct 01 1200

Match Statistics

Matches played: 11

Win ratio: 45%

Team caps per match: 2.82

Activity: 0.00 matches per day