quantum dot's avatar


Affiliated with no team

Member since Apr 18, 2004

Last match 3 years ago

Hypatia of Alexandria, Greek mathematician and pagan philosopher, was murdered by a Christian mob by having her skin ripped off with sharp sea-shells; what remained of her was burned.

"Skepticism is the highest of duties, blind faith the one unpardonable sin"

-Thomas Huxley-

Match Activity

A breakdown of the number of matches per month for quantum dot in the past year
Month Number of matches per month
Oct '23 0
Nov '23 3
Dec '23 3
Jan '24 0
Feb '24 1
Mar '24 0
Apr '24 4
May '24 0
Jun '24 0
Jul '24 0
Aug '24 2
Sep '24 0
Oct '24 3

Elo Rating

A summary of quantum dot's Elo for the current season
Season Period Elo Rating
Oct 01 1200

Match Statistics

Matches played: 952

Win ratio: 43%

Team caps per match: 2.51

Activity: 0.09 matches per day