
July 22, 2011

The bzflag community lost a dear friend last week with the passing of Surftank. Surf added spice, color and fun to the game. I admired him for his attitude in the midst of his battle with cancer. He wouldn't let it get him down.
He was loved by many and will be sorely missed.
RIP dear surferdude.

IMPORTANT: Upgrade to 2.4

July 08, 2011

Just a brief note to remind you to upgrade to the new 2.4 Bzflag client version as soon as possible. As you probably know the new version 2.4 is not compatible with the previous 2.0.x. So you cannot join a 2.4 server with a 2.0.x client and viceversa. Please check to get informed about how to upgrade for your OS.

All GU official servers will be progressively migrating from 2.0.x to 2.4 version during this month. For the time being some servers might be available in both versions to help with the upgrade. By 1st August GU League will be 2.4 and no 2.0.x servers will be available.


June 27, 2011

Congratulations to sacapuntas for winning this season! 2nd place to VBZ and 3rd to Noah's Ark!
Thanks to all that participated. You guys rock!

Admin Changes

June 07, 2011

After several concerns were brought to us by players regarding inactivity of certain members, the GU administration team has pruned several inactive admins from the list. The current list of admins and referees can be found at This was done to improve turnaround time on collective decisions, as well as to ensure that match reports, requests, and complaints sent to admins will be received and forwarded in a timely manner.