Official GU/Ducati League Merger

April 23, 2015
Over the past few months, there has been an effort led by GU and Ducati representatives to merge into a single, unified league. Simply put, the Ducati League seems to be all but dead and the GU League is persisting on life support. We hope to maximize activity and eliminate competition between two different leagues for the same player base by focusing all our efforts into one common goal.

While there have been a multitude of great ideas on what this league should offer, the players should ultimately decide what they want from their BZFlag experience. For this reason, a poll has been created so we can collectively decide how exactly this new league will be implemented. The poll includes questions such as the name of the new league, what maps it should include, how we should address current bans from existing leagues, and many others.

Special thanks go to allejo and alezakos, among many others, for working out much of the minutia, including updates to his League Overseer plugin and the new league website. allejo has specifically mentioned a statistic-recording element to League Overseer that should yield many exciting opportunities in this new league.

Please voice your thoughts in the poll, linked below:


March 28, 2015

Battle of the Genders:
An Invitational Event
When: Sunday: March 29

You know who you there!