New whitelist item

March 29, 2013

Please note a new entry on the whitelist allowing for patches which change the teleporter fog color to something other than the default yellow, as long as the transparency is not affected.

red-der's idea

February 24, 2013

Red-der had an idea how we could maximize the fun around here.

Everyone knows the problem..there are 2, maybe 3 teams online and you have no mate. What to do? Go offline? Leave your team and join another? Play a funmatch? Maybe.. But what if you could play an official match without your regular teammates?! What if everyone was part of two big teams (A/B - Red/Purple) in addition to your regular team?!

Well, it's too much to please check out the details of red-der's proposal and post your opinion:

The GU-Admins are open to changes, if it's worth the effort and brings benefit to the league.


January 12, 2013

Winter Rikers 2013
Congratulations to both Riker teams for the great fun today had by all, players and obs alike.
First match: 3-1 goes to North American team
Second: 4-2 Europe comes back.
Third and final: 3-1 North America.
Riker replay for bzbg: port 5161

Thank you to captains, orbit and zelgadis and co-captains Yvaika and monster for putting together great teams. Hard to pick out just 10 from all of gu. You did a grand job.

Last but not least, many thanks to server owners: ahs3, Blast, Chestal for all their time and effort in putting up these special servers!!!!!!! Without you guys.....
We owe you alot for all the fun we get playing bzflag.


December 19, 2012

Hi all,

The GU League website will be down for approximately 30 minutes starting at 2pm UTC today (19th Dec) while we carry out some essential maintenance ;-)

Edit: done!
