Leagues United is Coming
Leagues United is coming this weekend! See what you can do to help us get ready and prepare for the launch!
Leagues United is coming this weekend! See what you can do to help us get ready and prepare for the launch!
Check out some new settings
There appears to be a bug our current web site code which causes teams to be purged after they are deleted, even if the teams played matches before they were deleted. We are investigating this issue and trying to recover the lost data. We are still anticipating a transition to BZION in the GU and Ducati merger in the near future. In the meantime, to prevent further data loss, we ask that players refrain from deleting teams until the merger is complete.
Post your thoughts
Teams have been set!
Team 1: klavier, styx, slime, R3laX, lucky tank, Asmeouuus, Dymatize, King Rumbl3r, Constitution, click click boom, ashvala, HouseMusic, coolby, Ebert, kierra
Team 2: orbit, hj, brad, krisfeidt, Yvaika, dauphin, morning glory, Black Mage, crazystringgirl, Shuist, Bunthy MlG, Snake12534, Foo, mythic
November 29, 19:00 GMT (14:00 EST) - Live Draft
December 6, 19:00 GMT (14:00 EST) - All-Star Cup
Hix All-Star Cup
It's almost time for another Hix All-Star Cup! A reminder for those who weren't around for the last one: HASC is a best-of-3 series of 10v10 matches.